Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Warnings *guys: this could get awkward for you.

  Hello lovely readers. I know I haven't done much blogging lately. As you can tell I tend to forget to post a lot :) I actually do begin to write posts and for some reason I get distracted or something comes up.

 ** Just a heads up to male readers/ readers who find this kind of thing awkward. I'm giving birth control option advice and will talk about how it works and what it does in great detail so... beware. **

  Today was a good day, but the past 5 or so days have been physically just MEH. That's the only way I can describe it. MEH. Just a little word of advice, if you are thinking of different ways of using birth control... do not even consider the depo provera shot. It is SO bad for you and your hormones go crazy. My doctor was like "Oh yeah it doesn't put extra estrogen in you so it would create an imbalance." I was like sweet! Little did I know, that the shot doesn't inject estrogen into your body, it injects progesterone into you. Progesterone is something you already have in your body to keep you from constantly having a period every day of your life. In between cycles of ovulation, progesterone is what allows the blood, mucus, and other nasties to stay in you and create a womb lining for a possible fertilized egg if you become pregnant. When you get this shot, about two shots in, you lose your period completely. It may take 2-3 shots for some women. For me it only took 2.
   Now the first time I had the shot was in April 2014 (this year) and for the first two weeks it was okay. Then after 3 weeks, I noticed I was gaining weight. By July I gained 20 pounds. Now, in October I have gained a total of about 34 pounds weighing in at 162. Yikes. I've been eating healthy and exercising everyday. Haven't changed anything in my diet or exercise. I asked my doctor and she was like "Oh yeah, that's one of the side effects." I was like "Uh thanks for telling me" and also confronted her about the progesterone. She said "Oh it usually doesn't affect people that much." Let me just be clear here: the shot affects everyone by adding excess progesterone to the body. Women don't always show signs right away of it affecting them negatively though.
  My husband and I don't want to have kids for a little while more, but this shot has affected my weight, my mood, anxiety, sleep, etc. I have been going to an acupuncturist for about 3-4 weeks and my acupuncturists are AH-MAZING. They've been able to slowly get my hormone levels down to normal, and in essence reverse the depo provera shot. Even though this has been mondo helpful, now that the hormone progesterone has dipped significantly, I've had my period again. Only this time, it has lasted almost 10 days. And the past 5 days, I've had cramps like nothing I have ever felt. I've even had back pain associated with cramps. My doctor says that the cramps I've been having are "super mini contractions". Not sure how many people know this, but when you have your period, you are experiencing super mega ultra teeny tiny contractions. You are literally birthing your womb lining because your body has recognized that the egg you released has not been fertilized, meaning you are not pregnant. So it releases the built up blood, mucus, and other nasties. So when my doctor told me that on the phone today I was like "seriously. Thanks for telling me all this 6 months ago." Well... that's what I would have said if she had ACTUALLY TOLD ME THE REAL SIDE EFFECTS.
Tomorrow I have another acupuncture appointment and I can't wait. Hopefully we can get all this cleared up and dealt with. My husband and I have decided that it's just plain not worth all the side effects and weaning my poor body off the high levels of progesterone and whatever else is in that dumb shot. No, that doesn't mean we're trying for kids yet. Because guess what else is an after effect of the shot? That no one told me about... After two shots I won't be able to have kids for at least 4 months. Glad to know my options are open. Not.
  In conclusion, don't waste your time, money, or health by getting this shot. It's sooo bad for you.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

First Day of Fall!

  There's nothing I love more (besides my husband) than a rainy fall day. Today I decided to take a "mental health" day and do the things I love doing in the fall. Here's today's agenda:

Trail Run
Grocery store for baking stuff and dinner stuff
Open the blinds and watch the rain
Clean the house while listening to John Schmidt
Gym again!
Bake (Rice Krispie Treats today, GF of course)
Make Dinner

Tonight for dinner I'm making mashed red potatoes, roasted brussel sprouts, cauliflower with garlic, and tri tip.
Tomorrow I have my 3rd acupuncture appoint. I have to admit that I am terrified of needles, but the acupuncturists I've worked with have helped me so much. My visits are definitely worth it. As well as needles, they stick ear seeds in my ears. Basically they are little seeds taped to a certain point in my ear called Shen-men (probably didn't spell that right) and if I start feeling anxious or overwhelmed, I just push the seed to my ear and maybe roll it around a little and it activates the point and helps a lot. No side effects, unlike what regular doctors would give me. Did you know that a lot of anti depressants have the side effect of "feelings of suicide" or "feelings of helplessness"? Um... HOW IS THAT HELPING THE DEPRESSION???? Anyway...
The reason I don't post very often is because I'm in college now and I don't have like ANY time to post. When I am on the computer I am doing homework. I do a computer course online and I also attend a class for a program through Brigham Young University. It's called Pathway, and it introduces students into the University. Sooo I am a University Student :) First one in my family in a long time! I'm not bragging in the least, but I thought I would never get into a University because of how poorly I did in High School. School has always been kind of hard for me, but in my last year of High School, I graduated with a 3.2 cum. GPA. Which was a pretty extraordinary feat, considering I had something like a 1.6 GPA at the beginning of my first senior year (I went through 5 years of High School, had to repeat my senior year). Anyway, I'm really not bragging, it's just so cool to look back on where I was and how far I've come. I worked really hard during my last senior year and studied like crazy, and stayed after school nearly everyday for Algebra 2 (Math isn't my strong suit).
So there it is. I like being back in school. It's nice to be learning and working again.
Not going to let this rainy fall day go to waste, I'm off to do more of my favorite things :)

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

  I was going to do this really cool bike ride in the first week of september. I was going to do 54 miles around Mt. Adams here in washington. But I realized that while I am getting in better shape and losing weight, it would not be good for me to do this just yet. I would probably hurt myself doing it. I am super bummed because it's a gorgeous ride and I remember feeling really good after I did it. But I don't want to risk hurting myself. I'm nowhere near the shape I was in 2 years ago when I did the ride.
  I'll just have to set another goal and keep going to the gym and working on my goal. So far in the 2 weeks I've been working out I have lost 5 pounds. It's been really hard because I have an obstacle to overcome that makes me gain weight like crazy. I get the depo provera birth control shots. I've only had it done twice. But one of the side effects is weight gain. When I first got it in April of this year, I weighed 140 pounds almost exactly. I was still 5 pounds over the reccomended healthy weight for my age and height, but it wasn't bad. Then I gained 25 pounds. I was 165.3 pounds in July. Now I weigh 154. With the sudden weight gain I became lethargic, I got stretch marks on my upper legs, and for some reason I broke out with acne all over my face. I wasn't eating poorly either. I eat healthy everyday.
  My workouts are so random. I've gotten back into the habit of writing my workouts down and making goals of what I want to accomplish at the gym. My workout today will be legs/bum. Here's what I have planned:
  circuit @ Planet Fitness (only the leg machines and step boxes. Do 3X)
 Squats w/bar 2 sets of 10
 Treadmill walk 30 minutes

Pretty simple today. I did the full 30 minute circuit yesterday so I won't do the full thing again today. Tomorrow I'm going to do a big crazy workout because my husband and I are going out of town from friday to sunday so I won't have the gym or much exercise time while we're away.
I highly reccomend gluten and dairy free diet to those who want to lose weight and be healthy. You're basically limited then to fresh food rather than packaged and/or processed foods. You'll eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and I reccomend eating meat sparingly. I feel great and it helps me feel good enough to work out a lot and I always have a lot of energy.
There's also a couple challenges I'm going to try in september. One being the "30 day guns, buns & abs" challenge. Here's the image of what that will look like:
Sounds like a good challenge.

One more thing I really reccomend very highly: drinking lots of water everyday. Your face will brighten up and the bags under your eyes will start to go away. I guarantee your acne will get better the more water you drink everyday. And you will have more energy. I've also found that I eat less when I drink more water. 
Well, I have to go finish laundry, but I'll talk about my workout later tonight. I think I'll take a "before" picture too and keep that until a couple weeks from now when I can compare and see results. 
Thanks to my followers and loyal readers. I hope you are sharing my blog and reccomending it to others. I appreciate all the views and support I've been getting lately. It's awesome! :)

Monday, August 25, 2014

Why frustration gets you nowhere.

  In life there are lots of trials and frustrations we go through. And as human beings, we often tend to take out our frustration on people around us. A lot of times we take it out on the people who deserve it the least.
  I like to read talks on lds.org and the ensign often on how to strengthen my marriage and how to support my spouse. Our marriage is still only 2 months in and I want to make sure that there's no room for contention. I work hard to make sure I'm being honest and fair and communicating with my husband, and I work hard to listen to him and come up with solutions and talk things through before it turns into an arguement or disagreement. So far, the strategies I've used and he's used have worked wonders. In the time even before we got married we have had very few arguements. We have never raised our voices or shouted at each other (we both agreed before we got married that this would not happen no matter what). And we've worked hard to humble ourselves and see the other person's point of view.
  Sometimes though, depression gets in the way. Not anything to do with my husband. Just my depression. I've had to go through a lot of things in my life. Some things very traumatic and a couple very scarring things. I wasn't very good at communication (in fact it's still something I'm working on every day. Every minute.) and I bottled things up inside. I've gotten into an awful habit of working hard everyday to do something nice for my sweetheart, and then I get mad if he doesn't award me a frigging gold star. No really. Sometimes I get depressed because I create unrealistic expectations in my mind. I pump myself up and get so excited to see his face light up and get all kinds of hugs and kisses, and well... other things... just because I brought home dinner. You see why this doesn't really work?
  So that's my dilemma lately. Depression is a hard thing to conquer. Especially in a marriage. My husband doesn't ever do anything wrong when I bring home dinner or whatever. In fact he says "Oh thank you, this looks good." Or "Thanks, this is awesome." and eats it all happily. But in the alternative reality that takes over when I have depressive moments, I don't feel like he appreciates it because it wasn't how I pictured it in my mind.
  It's not about being recognized for something good you did for the person. If you want to do something for your spouse, you really shouldn't hold such high expectations in regards to how they react to your service. It will only cause you frustration which will probably most likely be taken out on them later. And that's counter productive, now isn't it?
  Anyway, I'm kind of ranting and just trying to get my feelings out there. In my opinion there is nothing wrong with going on the internet and researching how to make things work in a marriage. It's better to go out and search for a solution and humble yourself instead of keeping it all inside and trying to do it all yourself. Here are a couple websites I've found that I think have really sound advice. I haven't needed a few of them, I just think they're good informants. But a couple I have read and implemented.
http://alumni.iupui.edu/medicine/documents/Understanding%20and%20Supporting%20Your%20Medical%20Student.pdf  ** This one really helps me, my husband is a chinese medicine student and spends 80% or more of his days at school or studying. It can be really hard sometimes.

Well, that's all I really have. I like that my husband and I are so good at solving things together. Makes things a lot easier. Even on our rough days. Love him with all my heart. I'm so lucky.

Monday, August 18, 2014


  Yesterday my husband and I gave talks in church, and it was kind of awesome. We were struggling with what to say in our talks and finally I got mine done saturday night and he got his done sunday morning. But what was really cool was that we didn't read each other what we were going to say. But our talks complimented each other perfectly. His wouldn't have made much sense without mine and vice versa. It's so cool to be married to someone who is truly your best friend, because even though there are disagreements and sometimes fights, since you know each other so well you tend to compliment each other well.
  I just wanted to talk about something really cool. So last wednesday night I got a gym membership to planet fitness. I love this place by the way! And Thursday morning I went there weighing 158 pounds, did 12 miles on the bike and averaged about 5:16 per mile. Friday morning I did 6 miles and Saturday I also did 6 miles. Then today (Monday) I did 7 miles on the bike and averaged 4:28 per mile. Burned 174 calories and weighed in after breakfast at 154 pounds!!! **Note: I weigh myself at the same time everyday so I can get a more accurate measurement of weight.
  I just feel so good too. It used to be that when I would do the bike, my heart would race and would be at almost 180. Now the highest it gets is 150. I don't breathe as hard anymore when I bike, and I feel good. My mood improves all the time. I seriously reccomend gluten and dairy free foods with emphasis on fruits and veggies and eat meat sparingly. We eat tuna about twice a month and chicken once a week. It feels so good to eat so healthy.
  Anyway just wanted to share that and we'll see how this all shakes out after another 5 days of hard work and good eating. :)

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

A New Drug

  This is something that is not often seen by people as being an addiction. Pornography is something that can hurt relationships and give you false ideas of how you should be or what you should look like.
  Studies show that porn releases the same "pleasure chemicals" in the brain as drugs do. Crazy, right? Kinda seems unbelievable. At least, it did to me. I've learned how porn can affect a relationship/marriage. It sucks what it does to people. The worst thing is that people don't even realize it. People think that it isn't addictive and so they brush it off. Some people might actually watch porn on a regular basis without realizing how it's inadvertently warping reality.
  As unbelievable as it seems, the fact is, porn kills love. Let me explain:
  You've gone to the movies. Maybe you've seen the latest PG 13 movie with your friends or maybe alone. It was pretty cool with the CGI and the battle scenes. I know I like movies like that anyway. But what you don't realize is that 1 minute sex scene in the middle can have lasting effects on you. When you watch it, certain chemicals are released in the brain. These are the chemicals I talked about earlier. They help you to bond with other people and build relationships. They also make you want to do again whatever it is that is releasing the chemicals. Like if you love cheesecake, and you eat the most amazing one ever, chemicals can release into your brain that signal that you like it. It sort of rewards your brain with happiness. Kind of a weird way to put it but there you go. The end result is that you may end up wanting more cheesecake.
  The same thing can happen with that 1 minute sex scene in the movie. Of course in a PG 13 movie you don't see everything. In fact, you might not see very much at all. But without you realizing it, those chemicals are released and they sort of "reward" your brain, making your brain want more.
  So you go home and you might think about how awesome that movie was. Totally didn't even see the ending coming... or maybe you did, but it was still a good movie. Either way later on your brain might poke at your subconscious, seeking the "reward" it received earlier. The reward was the pleasure chemicals. So you start to think about the sex scene. Maybe by accident. This is where trouble can start. Curiosity is killer sometimes. And without realizing it, a person might go on the internet to reward the brain and run into pornography.
  Eventually after viewing porn many times, you are so high and full of the pleasure chemicals that if you all of a sudden stop watching it, you feel the effects. Like quitting any drug you can experience withdrawals and difficulty seeing things as they really are.
  The thing is, people might not think porn is so bad, because they've adapted to how society is. Society plasters sex everywhere. Movies, music, commercials, you name it. You see it everyday whether you mean to or not. It's a part of our culture now. But this can be dangerous for young and curious minds.
  The fact is that porn culture is everywhere. Be smart about it and take the time to realize that maybe there are things that don't need to be seen except in intimate times between you and a partner in love.
  Don't let yourself be under the assumption that it's okay to look at porn or accept that women are seen as sex objects.
  Be better than that. Life will be so much more awesome and full when you turn down the loud noise that is porn culture. You'll be able to see things as they really are. You'll be able to see yourself as you really are.
  Awesome and worth more than you know.

  It's okay, if you struggle with this addiction, you really can get help. There are groups for this. Anonymous and helpful groups. Go to fightthenewdrug.org for info. It's such a helpful sight and explains things in a way everyone can understand.

Sunday, July 20, 2014

New me carries 1,000 pounds of lead in 90+ degrees

This weekend I made a lot of last minute decisions to do things to change myself and become more domestic and interesting. For example: I bough a blueberry bush at the Farmer's Market yesterday. I bought it and picked it up, knowing that my little passatt was a quarter mile away and this plant was 40 pounds... I realized all too late that after 2 minutes of carrying this thing in the 90 degree, and irritatingly high humidity through a crowded farmers market.... the little 40 pound blueberry bush would become a 1,000 pound lead bush.
Needless to say, I took breaks on the way. On the second break, I was under a shady tree, watching people scurry around and fanning myself with my nasty sweaty hand. It dawned on me then... I own a 2001 dinky little VW freaking passatt. The blueberry bush was about 5 feet tall. I would be playing an obnoxiously real game of tetris once I reached my car. And I wasn't happy about it.
Anyway, after I got to the car, I opened the back door and just looked at it for a minute. Then I picked up the blueberry anvil and put the base of it on the ground at the foot of the seat in the back. I quickly realized there was absolutely no room in my entire back seat to even lay the plant down. So, I just left it upright and let the rest of it hang out the window.
After that adventure I took it to the side of my dad's house. He just bought a gorgeous house that has an awesome yard. The sideyard though, looks like someone, at one time or another, attempted a garden. There's pretty much just dirt, dust, weeds, and some dead grass that now resembles hay. I told my dad to come out and see the little bush and he laughs and says "You know, now that I look at it, it looks like the two bushes in the side yard." Sure enough, the only living things in my dad's side yard are two blueberry bushes. But that's okay. You always want to have the blueberry bushes be big and you usually plant a few.
So the reason I took it to my dad's house is because he wants to create a little garden type area. I am actually really excited about this and asked if I could help him. He works a lot and I don't have a hobby, so it will be nice and I love gardening so this will give me some way of being productive. Now I don't have to lay around in my husband's too-big sweats and watch Netflix all day. Woo!
Tomorrow I am going over to start by pulling weeds and pulling out the dead grass and planting my blueberry bush next to the other two. I'll post before and during pics of course. I am really excited about this project. My brother in law is sort of like a starting off farmer. He's really interesting actually and it's cool to hear about the stuff he does. Right now he has several tomato plants going and I think radishes and some other stuff too. And there are blueberries on the property as well.
That's all I have today, but tomorrow will be a much more interesting post with pictures and explanations on how I did things. I am probably going to go research some stuff on gardening too.
Cheers :)

Friday, July 18, 2014

Marriage, first of all, is awesome. I love my husband, he is my best friend and I just always feel so loved by him. He's a great guy and almost everyone he meets goes out of their way to tell me how great he is. I am so blessed.
However, my husband goes to college year round. So right now he goes to school everyday during the week all day. Then every other weekend he goes to extra classes for Qi Gong (like Tai Chi but more meditative) and to learn how to diagnose a patient by reading their pulse. He's a chinese medicine major. I actually love his major and think it's awesome. It has helped both of us with our health issues. Anyway, he is always gone. Which means it gets pretty lonely around. I started off the week feeling completely motivated. I would clean everyday and get laundry done. Which, I did. But then I would have hours and hours left in the day before my husband got home. So I read. And read. And read.
The other day it occurred to me: I don't really have any consistent hobbies. So in thinking about it, here are my mid year resolutions:
1.) I bought a book on "green cleaning" and I think just being more "organic?" in the home by taking out harsh chemicals you clean with and everything. Goal number one I think will be to read and implement.
2.) Hiking and taking walks more often, and biking. I decided that I would like to go to the library at least once a week, and the library is maybe a mile or two away. I have a bike at my dads house that I used to ride all the time. So I will get that back soon. And I love hiking and fresh air. We live in a beautiful hiking place.
3.) Cleaner eating. I like donuts. I like cheese. But I can't have either due to our gluten and dairy intolerance. But sometimes I cheat. Even though it hurts. But I am going to stop that and start eating better. Which means more homemade things hopefully.
4.) Russian studying. I served a mission in Samara Russia and my minor in college will be Russian Translation. I would like to study it everyday even before I go to college. Just to keep it in my brain.
5.) Blogging. I really do love blogging and at one point I had a blog that was fairly popular. But now I think that it would be cool if I became a consistent blogger again. I'm thinking 2-3 times a week. With recipes I tried, things I did. Maybe some DIY stuff. We'll see. But it will all be on this blog.
I like setting goals too, the above things are just a list of what I would like to start doing. Here are goals associated with them:
-ride my bike to the library once a week
-only eat junk food on one day out of the week
-drink at least two full water bottles a day (Drinking water is really important to health. And something I often forget to do)
-Blog at least twice a week.
-Study Russian for half an hour everyday
-Try one new recipe a week
-Clean something everyday
-Get in shape: to start with, take walks in the evenings with Corry. Do ab workout everyday, arms every other day and legs every other day. Start running everyday in 2 weeks.
-paint a big painting for my living room
-decorate the house, make it feel like an organized home
-attend the temple every other week
-read scriptures and pray everyday
-attend church weekly
-be more social. Go to Relief Society functions. Talk to people at church. Ask bishop about a calling. Invite the missionaries for dinner.
So there you have it. I guess thats what this blog will be all about. Me reaching my goals? Yeah. Sounds good.
Thanks for reading. I'll start with a blog post tomorrow (Saturday)

Friday, June 13, 2014

New Beginnings!

Lots of new things happening for me. Tomorrow I take the ACT so I can start school in the fall or winter. As of right now my heart is set on Cello performance and something to do with Russian.
I get married in just 4 days to the love of my life.
And I turn 21 in four months.
I decided I want to make a "bucket list" of things I want to do in my life. It's always cool to have goals and aspirations. Most of mine are coming true lately so I think it's time to make new ones. One of the things I want to do is start a DIY craft/art/sewing blog. Which maybe I'll actually just do on this blog so I can keep track of one rather than two.
Anyway, I'm going to incorporate my "bucket list" into my brand new 2014 scrapbook. Then at the end of the year I'll check off all the ones I did. Of course I journal a  lot so there will be those experiences written down so I can remember them and tell stories about them in the future.
There may not be a blog post for a while. But I am doing a lot of DIY stuff for my wedding so I think that will be the next few posts. Excited?? I am! :)

Friday, April 25, 2014

My next adventure

I am such an undedicated blogger. I hope that changes, because I really do love it.
I haven't blogged for almost 2 months and here's the reason:
 February 22nd, 2014, the love of my life and I took a (freezing) day trip to the oregon coast. We spent the day making sandcastles, playing in the water, drawing in the sand, and adventuring. Then sunset came and my best friend got down on one knee on the beach and proposed to me.

To celebrate our engagement, we had an engagement party at claim jumper. Both of our families (minus a couple of his brothers) met each other. His mom ended up accidentally spilling sparkling cider on my dad. My dad gave a beautiful toast for me and my fiance. Almost had me in tears. Great food, even better company.
And here's one of our engagement pictures. Taken in the downtown of where I grew up. Kind of a cool tidbit: this is the same street where I got my High School Senior photos done 4 years ago.

So there you have it. A very unexpected, but totally joyful change in my life: A new adventure even. We are getting married in June. We have less than 2 months left until we get married (AHHH!!!!) and I am so excited and kind of nervous. I am going to have a husband, be married, and be a wife. I of course am aware of the fact that we are engaged, I just get sudden moments of extreme realization. And then I start grinning and smiling from ear to ear because I am so excited for this eternal adventure! :)
I think I wrote a post a few months ago about how suddenly life can change and you don't even know it's coming. I am so excited; but at the same time, like many engaged women, I'm sure... I feel inadequate. This man really has changed my life in the 4 short months we have been together. I've known that he's the one for most of our relationship. I am so grateful for him.

I have also started back at my old job at JCPenney. It is fantastic. I love this company and working for them is awesome. I may come home tired, but I love working for jcpenney.

As my wedding approaches (extremely fast), I am thinking a lot about how I am about to become a wife. Wow. A wife. Wow.  I'm the luckiest person in the world.

Yeah not sure what else to say but I am so excited and exhausted.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I keep forgetting to blog.
But I didn't forget today! :D

Since I blogged last I have worked out every day except sunday. Yesterday I had a pretty dang good workout. I am still tired from it. I can already see quite a bit of result and its only been a few weeks of eating better and working out.
Here's my workout from yesterday:
Medley Monday
-Stretches (5 minutes)
-"Fat Burner" mode on elliptical (30 mins)
-Lunges 2x15 (two sets of 15) *no weight
-Squats 3x15 *no weight

-Stretches (5 minutes)
-One arm curls w/dumbbell 3x15 (15 lb dumbbell)
-Tricep extension w/ dumbbell 3x15 (15 lb dumbbell)
-200 pushups (throughout the day, I did about 15 push ups an hour the whole day)

-2x50 crunches
-3x30 leg lifts

That's medley Monday! Pretty intense, then the rest of the week is mostly focusing on the individual groups. Tuesday is running day, except I didn't get to do that because I had a lot to do today so I am moving it to tomorrow and shifting it around a little.
I can already feel myself getting stronger. I haven't noticed a whole lot of fat loss from my body yet. I think that's because I only just recently changed my diet to drastically lower my sugar intake and also because I realized I've been subconsciously replacing sugar with carbs. I've been eating a ton of bread and potatoes. Which is good, but I eat way too much of it all.
Anyway I am very proud of this fact though: my boyfriend and I have been eating a lot healthier. We eat a lot more vegetables.

Anyway, not much else going on. Next time I post on here I will have pictures to measure my progress better. I think it's cool to see the before and after stuff :)

Well, that's about all for now. Yeah. Boring blog post.

Friday, January 24, 2014

In which I give up sugar for a year

Okay so some of my twitter followers were promised a blog post tracking my progress. As in the past, I am a tad flaky on meeting my personal blogging "deadlines". So, my apologies :)
  Well this past Wednesday I started my year without sugar. This was inspired by a Mormon vlogger on youtube. Actually, by his awesome 10 year old son. Check them out. They are the shaytards and their vlogs are hilarious and adorable. I love seeing the new ones they post everyday. They are an awesome and inspirational family.
  So this awesome, adorable kiddo went a whole year without candy, dessert, and soda. He made it a whole YEAR! That got me thinking about how this year I am training for a marathon in 2015. (Which by the way is probably going to be the Portland marathon since I live super close to Portland and will live even closer probably marathon season next year.) It got me thinking that I need to change my diet. And so I set this goal which I started on Wednesday.
  I never realized just how much dessert and candy and soda crap I put into my body everyday! It has been only 3 days and it feels like at least a whole week. Then yesterday, I did half a juice fast. Since I always have really low iron I need at least one meal a day or I get shaky and dizzy and I get a headache. But I woke up this morning feeling so good! The sun was shining, my body felt good and tight and I wasn't starving like I usually am when I wake up everyday. It was awesome!
  I am loving this year long sugar fast thing so far. I can already feel a difference in just three days. I seriously have more energy and it is a lot easier to eat healthy. This morning I had apples and toast for breakfast. Usually I skip breakfast because it's kind of frowned upon to eat sugary stuff at that part of the day. And I usually rationalize that if I don't eat breakfast I can get away with eating more later.
  Okay, enough of the chit chat. Here are my stats for January:
January 24, 2014 (is it really 2014??? Hasn't really clicked in my brain yet.)
-Weight 150 lbs (Yeah I know, but that's going to change!!!)
-Best mile time: 8:01
-Days without candy, soda, sugary desserts: 3

So there's that :) I am so excited to see my progress this time next month!

One more thing I really want to blog about. This sunday makes one month of dating my best friend. Did that make sense in English? I just want to avoid the use of "anniversary" because I only really consider anniversaries as yearly things.
But I digress...

I am so happy. This month has been the happiest I've felt in a long time. January marked one year since my mom passed away from stage four Breast cancer and I was having such a hard time with that grief and that heartbreak in November and December. Then my sweetheart came along at the end of December and helped me so much. He continues to lift me up everyday and help me to choose to be happy. He makes me laugh and he makes me think. We have deep, meaningful conversations; and we have goofy, nonsensical ones in which we laugh forever. He's teaching me to drive. He's smart. He's one of my very favorite people :)
Thank you to my sweet goofball for a month of fun and pure joy that I haven't felt in a long time. You are the best :) Here's to many, many, many more months of the same :)

Thank you too, readers for being so loyal. I can't believe how many of you actually read my blog! It's fantastic and gets me super excited. :)

Friday, January 3, 2014

In which life changes in an instant

  I think I've talked about this before; the concept of life changing in an instant for good or bad. Last year about this time, my family's life changed in an instant for the bad. This year, my life changed in an instant in a positive way. Let me explain.
  10 days ago I came to the conclusion that I would just suck it up and be okay with being single. I would take the time to do things I wanted to do and become who I wanted to become. I had been single for almost a year and I was over trying to find a guy to date. I would just go on adventures, work, have fun and let the right man fall into my life as I went along.
  It turns out that's exactly what God wanted me to do. Three days later, BAM! My friend came over to just hang out with me and watch a movie. To be honest I don't even remember what we were watching. When he walked in the door I remember having the distinct impression that he and I were going to start dating, REALLY soon. I was mad at my brain for tormenting me that way. I did like this guy and maybe even tried to flirt with him at some point months before. But I was convinced somehow that he wasn't interested in me. Then we started to get close and he held my hand. I don't know why but just all of a sudden I lifted his hand which was holding mine, and kissed his fingers.
My eyes were wide for about 5 seconds and then he tilted my chin up toward him and planted one on me. That's right. Kissed me right on the lips.
Then he said "What would you think about being my girlfriend?"
I said yes and smiled and since then it has just made sense and things have fallen into place.
So guess what, internet? I'm not single anymore. HOORAY!
It's been 8 days that we have been dating, and I personally think we are the cutest couple in the world. I mean, come on. Just look at those adorable faces....
In this picture we went to a Young Single Adult (Mormon) dance in Portland by the Portland temple. It was so much fun! We decided that we wanted to dress up. I just wanted to go all out and have fun. When he came to the door he showed up with a purple rose (he said I know purple is your favorite color) Won some major points in my book.
The theme of the dance was "Through the ages" so we could dress up in any era we wanted to. I chose the 50s. As you can see I wore super bright lipstick, pearls, my hair up in a huge polka dotted bow and matched it with a polka dot skirt. Then we went to the dance and I had absolutely the best time. My sweetheart is an incredible dancer and I have three left feet. Yup. You read that right.
But he sort of taught me a little bit of the basics. Enough to be able to seem like I'm not a mental patient when I dance. And I loved it. When midnight came around, we kissed. My first time being kissed on new years.
This past sunday he also took me to Urgent Care. I lost my voice and my throat was so red and sore that we thought it might be strep. He spent all day with me in urgent care and took care of me afterwards.
He's such a good guy and I am so grateful and blessed. He's my best friend too. It's so nice and refreshing to date someone who is your best friend and who you can laugh with about silly things like earwax, card games, and battleship. We love to play the card game speed together and other board games. And I just love to talk to him about things.
I'm blessed :) That's all :)
And as of late, I am receiving a lot more revelation on what the right thing to do is for me and my life. On New Years, he and I went and walked around the Portland Temple for a little while and I felt strongly that I need to pursue civil engineering or architecture. And I need to start going to school for it this year.
I think 2014 is going to be a very good year. I am so excited for what my future holds.
The past few weeks have been really rough on me. December was hard. I went through a lot of trials. With my dad having heart problems, and a scare with my sister's health, working long hours, being single, missing my mission and my mom... among other things, it was rough.
A good friend of mine said in a text "Know that I am praying for you, your break will come soon." That was about two weeks ago. I know that was inspired of him to say and it gave me hope because I am finally catching a break.
By request I am coming back to blogging frequently again. I did miss it. It was so much fun to blog all the time and see how big my audience got.
I do want to talk about a movie I saw on Christmas with my family. It was perfect for me and motivated me quite a bit to do things I want to do.
It's called The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. With Ben Stiller and Kristen Wiig. It was absolutely fabulous. I feel a lot like Walter Mitty myself. Daydreaming but never really following through with those dreams and things I wanted to do. Until the past week. Do yourself a favor and see it. For real.
Well that's about all as of right now. Life is good. Wonderful, really. I am very happy and enjoying some much needed peace. I am still sick with the remains of that virus that I went to urgent care for, but it's just a cough and headache and sniffles now. All is well.
Dang. I'm blessed. :)