Tuesday, February 4, 2014


I keep forgetting to blog.
But I didn't forget today! :D

Since I blogged last I have worked out every day except sunday. Yesterday I had a pretty dang good workout. I am still tired from it. I can already see quite a bit of result and its only been a few weeks of eating better and working out.
Here's my workout from yesterday:
Medley Monday
-Stretches (5 minutes)
-"Fat Burner" mode on elliptical (30 mins)
-Lunges 2x15 (two sets of 15) *no weight
-Squats 3x15 *no weight

-Stretches (5 minutes)
-One arm curls w/dumbbell 3x15 (15 lb dumbbell)
-Tricep extension w/ dumbbell 3x15 (15 lb dumbbell)
-200 pushups (throughout the day, I did about 15 push ups an hour the whole day)

-2x50 crunches
-3x30 leg lifts

That's medley Monday! Pretty intense, then the rest of the week is mostly focusing on the individual groups. Tuesday is running day, except I didn't get to do that because I had a lot to do today so I am moving it to tomorrow and shifting it around a little.
I can already feel myself getting stronger. I haven't noticed a whole lot of fat loss from my body yet. I think that's because I only just recently changed my diet to drastically lower my sugar intake and also because I realized I've been subconsciously replacing sugar with carbs. I've been eating a ton of bread and potatoes. Which is good, but I eat way too much of it all.
Anyway I am very proud of this fact though: my boyfriend and I have been eating a lot healthier. We eat a lot more vegetables.

Anyway, not much else going on. Next time I post on here I will have pictures to measure my progress better. I think it's cool to see the before and after stuff :)

Well, that's about all for now. Yeah. Boring blog post.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Atta girl - and guy! You tired me out, just reading the workout plan.
