Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Spiritual thoughts, at midnight.

So I started my Book of Mormon reading the other night. I am in chapter three of Nephi right now. So far, Nephi's family has fled from Jerusalem because the Jews sought after Lehi's life. Lehi had seen a vision of a pillar of fire. He foretold the coming of Christ and the destruction of the wicked people in Jerusalem. Now they are taking the journey into the wilderness. That's as far as I've gotten as of right now.
I was thinking about how small scripture verses can have profound meaning. For example, the shortest verse in the Book of Mormon is in the second chapter, when it says "and my father dwelt in a tent". This scripture shows humility, faith, and love all at once. I will prove it to you by using examples in the BOM so far in just two chapters.
Nephi's family had gave up their valuables (gold, silver, precious things) to follow their father into the wilderness. I have been camping, and I have lived in a house. I have to say, given the choice most people would live in the house. Lehi chose to follow the counsel and promptings of the Lord, and in doing so, he humbled himself to the point where he dwelled in a tent. Not many men (or women) would do the same.

Great faith is shown by Lehi. He prayed and shared with others. He wished for his sons to follow him and his counsel; and also to follow God and His counsel. He had faith that this was the path to follow to protect himself and his family. He had faith that if he left his comforts in Jerusalem, that the Lord would bless him.

Obviously Lehi is a great father. He fled Jerusalem with his family. One verse that shows how much he loves his family is in 2:4 "And he left his house, and the land of his inheritance, and his gold, and his silver, and his precious things, and took nothing with him, save it were his family, and provisions, and tents, and adeparted into the wilderness."
It compares his family to the gold and silver and precious things... his inheritance and his home... to his family. And shows that he chose family over all of those things of temporal worth because family is of celestial worth.

I know that Lehi was inspired of God to do these things and I know that following his example of making sacrifices and humbling ourselves as missionaries to do the work of the Lord and uplift others and protect others, will bring us blessings. It is what the Lord wants of us as missionaries and as latter-day saints.

во имя Иисуса Христа, аминь.

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