Thursday, May 9, 2013

Day 5 of 48 **UPDATE: IT'S ACTUALLY DAY 7...

**update: I just recounted my days... I made a mistake. I'm actually on day 7 of 48. Sooooo.... my bad. I'll do another post today with just tips to make it up to you for losing those other 2 days.

Hello, lovelies.
Yesterday I spent a lot of my day packing up my room and cleaning it. Then I sorted through my laundry. (I keep forgetting I have garments, so I keep throwing them in with my regular clothes). But honestly I don't mind my garments. In fact, I like wearing them. Mine are really comfortable and they keep me reasonably warm when I'm cold, but they aren't thick. I bought the carinessa 2's in XSB. I love them! I'm going to buy a couple more pairs in a different, warmer fabric just to make sure I have some when I get really cold. So sisters, I highly recommend getting the carinessa 2's.
Anyway, today I tried one of the hairstlyes I pinned on pinterest yesterday. This is the tutorial for it:

This was super easy to do. And it worked really well for me. I only used a ponytail holder, 4 bobby pins and a hair accessory. (Girls with longer hair, might need more bobby pins. My hair is two inches below my shoulders.) It took about 5 minutes at the most. So there's the tutorial and here's how mine turned out:
What I did too, since my hair is really curly, I brushed it out really well beforehand. I did this with semi-wet washed hair. I don't like having messy or day old hair. Since my hair is red, leaving it for a day makes it look ultra-greasy. So I have to wash it everyday. The first picture was the style without my hair accessory in it. The other three are with. I bought this hair accessory at the Portland, OR Saturday market about 2 weeks ago. This really talented guy works with wire and metal. He makes tons of rings and hair sticks and other metal jewelry. I really like this hairpiece.

So today's hair tutorial was a success. We'll see what happens with tomorrows. I am still deciding on one to do. Since I have to go back to work tomorrow it might just be a simple one.

The only things I really have left to do require money, and until tomorrow (payday), I have 6 dollars to my name. Luckily I don't owe anyone money so I don't have to give up my 6 dollars :)

But I still need to get two shots done... yuck. I am going to wait until I stop working to get those done because my arms are really sensitive to shots. And in retail, I use my arms A LOT. Also, I'm a wimp and I don't wanna :)

So a spiritual thought for the day...
Some advice I have for both Sisters and Elders, is to make sure you repent totally of everything before your mission. If you suffer from any kind of addiction, it isn't going to just go away when you are out. Of course you won't have access to alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, pornography, etc. while in the field as a missionary; but the addiction won't go away on it's own. You need to talk to your bishop and get it off your shoulders. Your bishop has been set apart to help the members of the ward with things like this. He isn't going to tell anyone (maybe your parents if it's serious enough I guess). He isn't going to judge you. He is there to help you. Addiction is not something you can simply get rid of in a day. Nor is any other serious sin.
It's okay to ask for help. Reaching out to others for help is a skill that everyone must learn because at some point in your life you will need help from others.
Plus, you need to remain worthy in order to go through the temple, which is one of the greatest blessings I have found in my life. I love the temple.
I do not know much about helping people with addictions, but I know of some people who were actually addicted to video games to the point where that is all they ever did in their spare time. I have also known people who suffer an addiction to pornography.
If you are struggling with any kind of addiction like that, I highly recommend this talk by David A. Bednar:

I know it may seem hard to dig yourself out of a hole you have created for yourself. Sometimes it seems hopeless, but it's really not. You can always repent and make an effort to remain virtuous. Like I said yesterday, the Savior atoned for the sins of all men so that they can repent and make it back to live with Heavenly Father.
во имя Иисуса Христа, аминь.

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