Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Warnings *guys: this could get awkward for you.

  Hello lovely readers. I know I haven't done much blogging lately. As you can tell I tend to forget to post a lot :) I actually do begin to write posts and for some reason I get distracted or something comes up.

 ** Just a heads up to male readers/ readers who find this kind of thing awkward. I'm giving birth control option advice and will talk about how it works and what it does in great detail so... beware. **

  Today was a good day, but the past 5 or so days have been physically just MEH. That's the only way I can describe it. MEH. Just a little word of advice, if you are thinking of different ways of using birth control... do not even consider the depo provera shot. It is SO bad for you and your hormones go crazy. My doctor was like "Oh yeah it doesn't put extra estrogen in you so it would create an imbalance." I was like sweet! Little did I know, that the shot doesn't inject estrogen into your body, it injects progesterone into you. Progesterone is something you already have in your body to keep you from constantly having a period every day of your life. In between cycles of ovulation, progesterone is what allows the blood, mucus, and other nasties to stay in you and create a womb lining for a possible fertilized egg if you become pregnant. When you get this shot, about two shots in, you lose your period completely. It may take 2-3 shots for some women. For me it only took 2.
   Now the first time I had the shot was in April 2014 (this year) and for the first two weeks it was okay. Then after 3 weeks, I noticed I was gaining weight. By July I gained 20 pounds. Now, in October I have gained a total of about 34 pounds weighing in at 162. Yikes. I've been eating healthy and exercising everyday. Haven't changed anything in my diet or exercise. I asked my doctor and she was like "Oh yeah, that's one of the side effects." I was like "Uh thanks for telling me" and also confronted her about the progesterone. She said "Oh it usually doesn't affect people that much." Let me just be clear here: the shot affects everyone by adding excess progesterone to the body. Women don't always show signs right away of it affecting them negatively though.
  My husband and I don't want to have kids for a little while more, but this shot has affected my weight, my mood, anxiety, sleep, etc. I have been going to an acupuncturist for about 3-4 weeks and my acupuncturists are AH-MAZING. They've been able to slowly get my hormone levels down to normal, and in essence reverse the depo provera shot. Even though this has been mondo helpful, now that the hormone progesterone has dipped significantly, I've had my period again. Only this time, it has lasted almost 10 days. And the past 5 days, I've had cramps like nothing I have ever felt. I've even had back pain associated with cramps. My doctor says that the cramps I've been having are "super mini contractions". Not sure how many people know this, but when you have your period, you are experiencing super mega ultra teeny tiny contractions. You are literally birthing your womb lining because your body has recognized that the egg you released has not been fertilized, meaning you are not pregnant. So it releases the built up blood, mucus, and other nasties. So when my doctor told me that on the phone today I was like "seriously. Thanks for telling me all this 6 months ago." Well... that's what I would have said if she had ACTUALLY TOLD ME THE REAL SIDE EFFECTS.
Tomorrow I have another acupuncture appointment and I can't wait. Hopefully we can get all this cleared up and dealt with. My husband and I have decided that it's just plain not worth all the side effects and weaning my poor body off the high levels of progesterone and whatever else is in that dumb shot. No, that doesn't mean we're trying for kids yet. Because guess what else is an after effect of the shot? That no one told me about... After two shots I won't be able to have kids for at least 4 months. Glad to know my options are open. Not.
  In conclusion, don't waste your time, money, or health by getting this shot. It's sooo bad for you.

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